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MyBusinessPlatform Proudly Partnering with Dental Industry Leaders Helping to Provide Our Dental Clients with Professional Managed Services

Your practice is a business, get the support you need that drives success. At MyBusinessPlatform, we work with some of the industry’s leading experts such as Henry Schein Dental Business Solutions Services to provide services that develop your practice, enhance patient care and increase revenue. Through our affiliate network, make connections with authorities in banking, consulting and continuing education. Develop strategies to streamline your processes and minimize costly errors with our benefits, accounting, management and legal affiliates. And, enrich your understanding of the functional operations of dental business with the guidance of our HR specialists. With DPP, you can keep your finger on the pulse of your practice.



From profits and losses to payroll, our associate accounting professionals offer critical insights on your practice revenue and allocations.


Whether you are looking to transition or expand your dental practice, MyBusinessPlatform provides you access to top banking professionals.


Dental claims and coordination of benefits can be efficient, DPP’s allies in benefits can help reduce time and pricey mistakes with streamlined services.


Connecting with top industry leaders offering dental staff management and dental coaching services for our Dental Practice Pro platform users.


Overcome the pitfalls of practice growth with consultation services from innovative dental practitioners passionate about your success.

Human Resources

A great staff can lead your practice to success. Training, management and staffing are just a few of the services from our HR affiliates.


Engage new patients and establish a loyal practice clientele using our resources for marketing analysis, planning and strategy development.

Patient Solutions

Help your patients get the results they desire. Treatment is a touch away with patient solutions like financing offered by our partners.

Dental Labs

Connectivity to dental lab products and services that have been building long-term relationships with dentists for more than 25 years.


Gain peace of mind and protect your business. Connect with dental industry legal specialists for practice advisement.

Staffing Solutions

Experience premiere dental staffing companies that can supply your dental office with temporary and permanent professionals nationwide.

Non for Profit

Discover the benefits of community outreach. Align with Dental Practice Pro’s nonprofit affiliates and volunteer skills to the industry.