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Access Your Reports Anytime, Anywhere on Any Device for Free!

Only Available with DPP Dentrix Connected Reporting Dashboard

  • Contact Information

  • FREE Account Setup Required Information

    Please provide the following information in order to setup your FREE KPI Dashboard. We will need the Doctor/Owner of the Account First and Last Name & Contact Email - This individual will be setup as the Admin user and will have full access to the account.
  • Please select a preferred date for setup (an email will be sent to confirm)
    MM slash DD slash YYYY

Over 400 Automated Dentrix Reports

Download It, Share It, Print It!

Dental Office Snapshot

Keep Your Finger on the Pulse!

Our Dashboard is designed to provide an immediate snapshot of your dental practice including patient statistics, dental appointment trends, office revenue and provider production.

Real Time Deposit Slip

Know Your Numbers!

Procedure Code Reimbursement

Earn More per Procedure!

Analyze your practice production with a detailed breakdown of procedure codes by total amount billed, insurance amount collected and provider production performance.

Outstanding Insurance Payments

Get Your Money Owed!

In Depth Patient Statistics

Identify New Patient Populations

Understanding your patient statistics is an important part of target marketing. Age range, gender and demographics of your patients help determine your target population and the best marketable dental services by area.

Historical Revenue Trends & Analysis

More Profit for the Pocket!

The First Step in Business is to Take Action Now

Saving Your Practice over 20hrs a week in running manual Dentrix reports.

Call for Pricing/ 877-651-8563
Patient Communications
  • Reactivate Patients
  • Appointment Reminders
  • Patient Reviews
  • Social Engagement
Call for Pricing/ 877-651-8563
Expense Management
  • Quickbooks Integration
  • Vendor Management
  • Cashflow Analysis
  • Invoice Storage
  • Budget Control
  • Set Goals
Call for Pricing/ 877-651-8563
Automated KPI Reports
  • Provider Production
  • Procedure Codes
  • Aging Report
  • Historical Revenue
  • Patient Demographics
  • Patient Appointments
  • Deposit Slips
Call for Pricing/ 877-651-8563
Employee Management
  • Document Storage
  • Task Management
  • To Do List
  • Internal Messaging
  • Benefit Management
  • Performance Tracking
  • Compensation History
  • Time Clock
  • Custom Calendars