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Unlock 300+ Practice Management Insights to Identify Growth Opportunities


Mobile Appointment Book

Keep Your Schedule Productive:

Get access to your Dentrix appointment book online anytime, anywhere, on any device with myBusinessPlatform Advanced Dentrix Connected Integration.

Let Us Help You Get Started. Call (866) 708-7838


Insurance Map

Reimbursement by Location:

Pinpoint your desired dental patient population by top paying dental insurances in your practice by viewing our Google integrated dental insurance map.

Patient Map

Know Where to Target Market:

Identify your total number of qualified and potential dental patients based on geographical locations by city and zip code.

Procedures Map

Where’s The Work:

Zoom in on the geographic location that produces the top 10 most profitable dental procedures for your dental practice.


Provider Snapshots

Align your practice goals with your provider production snapshot and help your team visually execute your business strategies.

Unscheduled List

Fill the holes in your schedule by reactivating patients who have broken appointments and no future appointments scheduled.

Incomplete Data

Identify missing or incomplete family file details and ensure that you can always stay connected with your active patients.

Patient Inactivity

Monitor the status of patients that have not been back to your practice in 12 months or more and increase patient retention.


Cashflow & Patient Goals

Predictable Revenue:

Increase your practice profitability when you use Office Goals to set annual revenue, cash flow and patient goals.

The First Step in Business is to Take Action Now

Request a Live Demo for Advanced Integration for Your Dental Practice

Please fill out all of the required fields to schedule a demo of Advanced Integration and one of our Dedicated Account Specialists will contact you to confirm your demo appointment.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Did your local back-up fail?
Need your data?

No worries, we back-up daily! We will provide you with a zipped file of all Dentrix Connected reporting data within 48 hrs of your request.

Let Us Help You Get Started. Call (866) 708-7838


Employee Management Software & Finance Tools for Your Dental Office

Manage Your Dental Team

Online HR Profiles
Manage Team Tasks
Track Personal Time Off
Employee Communication Tools
Time Clock Integration
Document Storage Center

Accounts Payable Simplified

Record Expenses Online
Track Expense Categories
Annual Comparison Reports
Expense vs. Revenue Comparison
Store Invoices Online
Create Vendor Profiles