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Test Drive the Future of Dentistry

MyBusinessPlatform – Dental Office Management Software – Cloud Enterprise Dashboard Platform

The Business Strategy of MyBusinessPlatform is to develop and implement a sustainable growth strategy through the utilization of our proprietary Business Enterprise Platform. Our Dental Practice Management Dashboard helps dental practices merge patient value proposition with accountability of care by becoming a more efficient and profitable dental business. Our Dental Management Dashboard is comprised of Business Divisions Management with concentration and tools for Human Resources, Operations, Marketing and Finance.

Dental Teams & Practice Management Specialists Working Together to Create a Seamless Integration

Connectivity to Business Resources

We believe in exemplary, accountable dental care. We have designed MyBusinessPlatform to challenge and quantify current standards and methodologies for dental practice management. Through our experience in developing a group dental practice model, we understand the challenges of implementing structured protocols. The development of MyBusinessPlatform derived from the need for valued administrative proficiencies, operational efficiency and patient satisfaction.