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Dental Practice Pro Reporting Dashboard Software

Dental Practice Pro will provide your dental practice with a clear picture of your dental patients and provider revenue with our dentists preferred collection of Key Practice Indicator (KPI) reports.
time saving solutions

Dental Office Dashboard with Actionable Items

Dental Practice Pro® provides dental offices with an intuitive business management software solution. We took the guesswork out of practice management dashboards and reporting analytics. Dentists no longer have to micro-manage and wait for monthly reports.

Dental Practice Pro® offers the newest and most accurate real-time digital consulting platform to manage your dental practice and staff on a daily basis. Dental team members can interact and manage assigned statistics and monitor the practice numbers. The capability to generate real-time reports offers you a result unparalleled by any other dental software program.

You will now be able to pinpoint exactly where the trouble areas in your dental practice are and finally fix them once and for all!

We keep the reporting simple but the data dynamic!

We don’t claim to offer the most number of reports and charts compared to other dental dashboards. Instead we asked our dental practices which reports were critical to managing the practice effectively and made sure our dental software had all bases tightly covered. Then, acknowledging that some dental practices have unique reporting needs, our Dental Practice Pro software allows our clients to print and export report to fit their particular purposes, then save it for future use.

Dental Practice Pro provides quick and easy access to the most import dental office reports and practice management data that will enable you to keep your finger on the pulse of your dental practice.

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Dental Practice Pro is the industry’s leading cloud-based business management software that turbo charges your current Dentrix® practice management software to maximize its success. Our platform provides an immediate snapshot of your practice including patient statistics, practice revenue, financial expenses, employee forms, office documentation and much more!