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Software Support You Can Count On with a Dedicated Account Specialist


Get Expert Training

A DPP Dedicated Account Specialist will build a relationship with you and get to know your practice history, office culture, reporting interests and business goals. We will support your team in defining how to best engage with the platform based on your individual practice needs.

Our Dedicated Account Specialists are trained experts in understanding our DPP Business Management Platform. They will help to assist you with the navigational tools and features to maximize the potential that our software has to offer your dental business.


Get Educated with Your Account Specialist

During your sessions with your Dedicated Accout Specialist, you will receive the following:

  • Administrative Assistance
  • Expert Analysis
  • Deployment Strategy
  • Custom Utilization Plans
  • Product Training
  • Team Training
  • Software Implementation
  • Software Support

Please fill out all of the required fields to schedule a demo of our Finance Tools and one of our Dedicated Account Specialists will contact you to confirm your demo appointment.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY


Get Your Team on Board for Successful Training

So what’s the best way to do this? How do you get the consensus you want? Ultimately, how do you get your team excited about the new software solution that will enhance the way you currently manage your dental practice.


Your Dedicated Account Specilaist will work directly with you and your team through the usage of interviews, questionaires and other tools to determine what goals and objectives you want to meet during your session.


A detailed agenda based on your areas of focus will be prepared and presented as a point of collaboration and discussion during your training session.


Explore and embrace your DPP software through one hour training sessions using an online meeting platform and share screen fuctionality to help you optimize all of your business needs.

Your Dedicated Account Specilaist will assist in facilitating the involvment of your entire team, your dental providers, patient care coordinators and/or assistants in the training process based on your individual practice needs. DPP believes that engagement with the people that will be using our Business Management Platform every day will ultimately lead to an integrated, seamless solution to manage and grow your business.